
Who We Are

Formed in 2018, the Land Compensation Agent Group (LCAG) is made up of three firms of RICS regulated chartered surveyors. Members of the group perform electricity related compulsory purchase and land compensation work, acting on behalf landowners whose property hosts, or is impacted by, electricity infrastructure - lines, pylons, poles etc - belonging to one or other of the country's licenced Transmission and Distribution Network Operators.

What we do

The LCAG represents the interests of its members and their landowner clients through engagement with the electricity licence holders themselves (transmission and distribution), relevant government departments (DESNZ) and the regulators responsible for overseeing electricity licence holder conduct (Ofgem and CMA).

The LCAG also works alongside other landowner groups and relevant professional bodies on matters affecting landowner rights and interests in the world of electricity related compulsory purchase and land compensation.


Property Compensation Consultants

Sherwill Drake Forbes

Thomson Broadbent Chartered Surveyors

Current work

The LCAG is currently involved in several projects:

  • Land rights and consents for electric network infrastructure: call for evidence, DESNZ, Sept 2022 The LCAG engaged closely with DESNZ prior to the publication of the call for evidence and responded on behalf of its members in Sept 2022. The group continues to assist and engage with DESNZ as it considers its response to the call for evidence.
  • The CAAV Electricity Land Rights Code of Practice, CAAV, Spring 2023 The LCAG is a member of the working group which is tasked with drafting this Memorandum of Understanding and Code of Best Practice for transmission and distribution licence holders and others working on agreements for electricity related land access and land purchase.
  • The Land Access Working Group As a member of this DESNZ working group, established in spring 2024, the LCAG is providing the landowner perspective and assisting DESNZ as it considers how land rights and land purchase agreements may be accelerated ahead of the Net-Zero network build and reinforcement.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Taskforce Established under the Electricity Transmission (Compensation) Act 2023, this group aims to develop proposals for the use of ADR Processes in disputes about the compensation payable to the landowner in electricity related land acquisition and land access cases.